Manifesto for a new way of living

What makes a house a home?


Living in different countries, different rentals in different cities, I have often asked myself this question as I tried to make a space my own. After searching for the answers in interior design magazines and blogs, décor shops and looking at my friends for inspiration, I always ended up with beautifully set rooms, but there was always something missing.


I have since learnt that what makes a house a home is not just about the furniture you use, or the trends you follow. It’s about how it makes you feel. And this is now the first question I ask all clients starting a new project: how do you want your home to make you feel?


Let me explain. Have you ever felt that even though you’re looking at a beautifully decorated space, it just doesn’t work for you, or for some reason you can’t explain you just don’t really like it. That’s because pretty as it might be, it doesn’t cater to what you need as a state of mind.


When you lead with the question ‘how do I want to feel in my home’ you’ll look within yourself and find what it is you actually need. Trends aside. You might need to feel comforted and cosy, as you lead a very busy life and your house is your haven and safe space. You might need to feel refreshed and uplifted, as you work from home and you need energy and focus. And most likely, you will need to feel different things in different rooms.


Once you answer this question, everything else will flow from it: the way you’ll use a space, colours, layouts, furniture, styling elements will all serve the feeling you need to create to get exactly what you need from your home.


I am a firm believer in the impact a cohesive, well thought through interior scheme can have on our wellbeing. It is my mission to use design and colours to help my clients create a home, their personal haven, and a beautiful state of mind. Sprinkled with plenty ideas and moodboards to inspire and have fun with along the way.


Shall we get started?


What you see is what you feel